
Smartphone industry has bloomed and developed in the past few years. There are many different brands fighting for supremacy on the market, offering innovation, novelty features and high-end specifications. No matter how hard the others try to compete, the real battle in this field is iPhone 7 vs Galaxy S7. These two are the best products their creators have to offer at this point, so let’s take a look how they compare.

Well, it’s very difficult to decide on the better phone, since these both have their perks. For example, iPhone comes has three different storage options (32, 128, 256 GB), has a better performance benchmark, and a better front camera (7 MP compared to Galaxy’s 5 MP). However, iPhone has no 3.5 mm headphone jack, which was, in the very beginning, considered a joke between the users.

On the other hand, Galaxy S7 has a longer battery life, wireless charging, many sensors and a lot of features which make the phone interesting and exciting.

Ultimately, we compare the operating systems. iOS versus Android battle is here for quite some time, but victory is yet unknown. The only advantage of Android over iOS is the fact that there are more applications available, and in general, more people develop for Android, but that is bound to change since Apple is putting efforts to close that gap.

All in all, both these phones are state of the art technology, and it is very hard to decide between them. In the end, it all comes to the personal taste and preferences. Whatever you decide, you are bound to enjoy your newest gadget.


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