
Find out how ot utilize CBD for cats.

CBD is a cannabinoid that only grows in hemp. It can be extracted and added to pet products. CBD works with the endocannabinoid system in cats to produce beneficial effects. Although CBD comes from hemp it is 100% non psychoactive. It may offer help with a cat’s mood, appetite, sleep, behavior, skin, hair, joint support, comfort level, and more. CBD dosage for cats is based on weight.

For moderate severity use a regular dose, give one-quarter (0.25) milligrams for every 1-pound of body weight. If your cat weighs twenty 20-pounds, then a regular dose would be 5-milligrams.

For intense severity use a strong dose, give one-half (0.5) milligrams for every 1-pound of body weight. If your cat weighs twenty 20-pounds, then a strong dose would be 10-milligrams.


Source: https://www.holistapet.com/products/cbd-products-for-cats/

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