
The court will examine several important factors when determining child support during a divorce. In addition to looking at both parents’ financial means, they also consider shared custody situations and their impact on the child’s development as they age, life insurance requirements for any potential future needs of the child, and restrictions placed upon how either parent or guardian spends support funds to ensure that all income received is used solely for providing care towards the well-being of said minor(s).

Finally, periodic reviews of such agreements over time should circumstances change or new needs arise throughout childhood.

Divorcing parents can agree on child support so long as they agree on the details and sum necessary while factoring in all relevant considerations. Conversely, suppose an arrangement is impossible or deemed unsuitable for the kid’s well-being by a court of law. A judge might issue an order reflecting state laws concerning relevant factors in that case.

6 Child Support Considerations

Source: https://divorceattorneyut.com/factors-to-consider-when-discussing-child-support/

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