Infographic Marketing

Are you ready to benefit from infographic marketing? Because your competitors already are. Check out some of the benefits from infographic marketing in the following lines and think about them.

In brief, infographics are a catchy, fun and engaging way to show complex or simple data and make sure it is seen and understood by your audience. Check out more detailed explanation what an infographic is. To understand the benefits of infographic marketing check out some great infographic examples published on Infographic Plaza. Just choose a category that is interesting for you and browse it.

Proven Results of Infographic Marketing

Infographic marketing increases your brand awareness. This leads to a higher reach of your target audience and increased comprehension of your message.

Infographic Marketing Plan

Infographic marketing can be very time-consuming and tedious. That is why we have created a quality infographic distribution service on an affordable price. However, we want to share some infographic marketing tips with you how to promote an infographic. These are just a few highlights of a good infographic marketing strategy. You can find a lot of infographic marketing tips on the Internet, and many of the them are just the same. So our idea is to give you some tips that are underrated undeservedly or never mentioned before. The key to a successful infographic marketing plan is to be creative and to establish strong relationships with as many different bloggers as you can.

Our Infographic Marketing Tips

  1. First and foremost is to upload the infographic on your website. Before uploading the infographic, we highly recommend to compress it using TinyJPG You should also resize the infographic to fit your site’s template. However, it is very important the infographic to be able to be zoomable. Some infographics are too small, and their text is not readable, so people just leave the site. We highly recommend setting the infographic width to 600px. As stated in the infographic below, most vertical infographics have widths of 600-1100px. Of course, depends on your site’s theme.


  2. Infographics are intriguing for people but for search engines they are just pictures. In order your infographic to be more findable on Google you should write a catchy and informative description of the infographic.
    We recommend you to write at least a 200 words description, but fewer words are possible as well. You should use the appropriate keywords and internal linking within the infographic
  3. Submit your infographic to the best infographic sites on the web. However, do not use one description for all sites. Write an about 100-200 words description of your infographic and then it is recommendable to spin it.
    Article spinning is a SEO copywriting technique working by rewriting existing articles, or parts of articles, and replacing specific words, phrases, sentences, or even entire paragraphs with any number of alternate versions to provide a slightly different with each spin. It is a very powerful SEO technique when done properly, so we recommend hiring a professional copywriter. All infographic sites owners are looking for unique and interesting descriptions so “bribe” them with your original and intriguing description.
  4. Sharing your infographic to social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest is a crucial part of every infographic marketing plan but often highly overrated. As you know, the devil is in the details, so you need to be creative. Keep in mind that there is always a big chance your infographic to be seen by only a few of your followers.So for better results, you should use hashtags and choose the proper time to upload it to your social media accounts. Some appropriate hashtags to use are #infographic, #infographics, #visual along with all hashtags related to the main topic of your infographic. We recommend sharing your infographic mainly to Twitter, Pinterest, Flickr, Stumbleupon, Reddit and G+ rather than Facebook.Social-Media-Tips-Infographic
  5. Another great and very powerful infographic marketing tool is the Press Release. You need a quality press release written and then distributed to many press release sites. There are a lot of press release writing and distribution services over the web, but they always have one and the same disadvantage.Bear in mind that your press release is distributed to thousand press release sites and published with the same text and backlinks. You should use the article spinning technique to prevent that  – your goal is to create as many unique readable versions of the press release as you can.
Why infographics are good for your site

Infographics get the attention of people because we are visually wired and photos are catchy. We all have heard that a single picture is worth a thousand words. In our case a single infographic is worth a lot more than words.

Another benefit from infographics is the time your audience stay on your site. For example, our Average Session Duration on Infographic Plaza is 00:01:51 according to Google Analytics. This means that your visitos will read more articles and see more visual content on your site.

Last in sequence but not least in importance, infographics reduce the bounce rate of your site. We don’t want to show off, but are proud that our average Bounce Rate on Infographic Plaza is 9.32% We are still not fully satisfied with this percent though.

How you can Infographic Plaza help your site

Infographic Plaza logo circle

You can choose as many infographics as you like that are published on Infographic Plaza and copy the embeded code of the infographic. The embeded code is located in a box under every infographic on our site. Then just paste the code to your site and the infographic will be shown permanently on it without hosting it. With the help of an infographic, you will grab attention and hold it for a long time.